Program for the January, 2019, OAS meeting
Enhancing the AWB OneSky 5” Newtonian Reflector
Enhancing the AWB OneSky 5” Newtonian Reflector
By Steve Skinner
By Steve Skinner
Program Abstract:
The Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) OneSky130 telescope is a 5” newtonian reflector with a Dobsonian mount which has received high marks for very good quality optics for the modest price of $199 plus free shipping. Two simple enhancements, turn the OneSky's Dobsonian "push-to" mount into a smart mount capable of one third of a degree sensitivity for both azimuth and altitude. These enhancements give the scope a go-to accuracy while still placing aiming in the hands of the user. An actual OneSky telescope and customized table are featured, and a parts list for the enhancements is posted on the OAS web site.