Monthly Meeting

Meetings are held in a hybrid format, in person and via Zoom.

The Omaha Astronomical Society meets the first Friday of most months at 7:30 PM in room 115 of the Durham Science Center on the UNO campus. Where holidays interfere or other special events merit, meetings may be re-scheduled. See the Calendar for specific dates and times.

Meetings are free and open to the public!

Typical Format:

6:30 PM Doors Open

6:45 PM Astronomy Question and Answer / Beginner's Time

7:00 PM Refreshments and Social Time

7:30 PM Meeting Begins

Welcome to first time visitors

Award Chairperson Report

Observing Chairperson Report

Outreach Chairperson Report

Tool Time (members share Tips, Tricks and Accessories)


( Program Info )

( Program Slide Decks / Handouts )



Business Meeting

Officer, Chairperson and Committee Reports

Old and New Business

Additional Social Time until 9:55 PM

10:00 PM Meeting Ended