Program for the December 4, 2015, OAS meeting
Annual Pot-Luck Party
By OAS Members
In the past, we’ve had plenty of goodies to munch on as we chat with friends and wait for our door prize number to be called.
Pot Luck:
Please bring a dish to share with the club. There will be a sign up list for food at the November meeting. If you have a favorite holiday treat, please bring it to the December meeting, or grab something at the store and bring it along.
Swap Meet:
We will have a swap meet. Be sure to check it out. That item you have been looking for may just show up. If you have something you are interested in selling, bring it along.
Door Prizes:
The OAS will be giving out door prizes. If you would like to donate a gift to the party, it could qualify as a tax deductible contribution. See our Treasurer for the form you need.