Program for the November 6, 2015, OAS meeting
The Physics of Star Trek and Star Wars
The Physics of Star Trek and Star Wars
By Jordan Concannon
By Jordan Concannon
How far away are humans from using the amazing technology seen in famous movies like Star Trek and Star Wars? We'll explore the origin of such technology, how it's used in these not too distant worlds and star systems, and whether (or not) it is applicable/usable today on Earth - or in the near future.
Speaker Bio:
Recent graduate of University of Hawai'i at Hilo with a B.A. in Physics and B.S. in Astronomy. Always had a love for the stars and what lies beyond the skies of Earth. Currently have an 8" Dobsonian telescope, which is perfect for the astronomical observing I like to do - part close-up observing and part naked eye observing.